LinkedIn hacked: Passwords of 6 plus million users leaked

As per the latest reports, professional social networking website gets hacked and the hackers responsible for this, leaked the entire data on the Internet. The hackers are from Russia as per the reports and these hackers are inviting other hackers to crack the hacked passwords as they are in encrypted form.

After this i have also been receiving suspicious emails from LinkedIn users requesting me to add their accounts in spite of the fact that i don’t have nay account at LinkedIn. Security firm Sophos performed a deep analysis of the leaked data and claims that users should change the password asap.

Linked in response to this have tweeted that they are searching and acquiring more info regarding this hack and security breach.

LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals. Like Facebook it also provides social networking interface to professionals. Most of the companies in USA search for the profile of the candidate on LinkedIn before recruiting him/her. LinkedIn also have a strong presence in India.

How to bypass Godaddy 60 days transfer lock?

If you are into domaining and used Godaddy as your domain registrar than you must be aware of this unique policy that in case if you change the registrant information of a particular domain registered at Godaddy than that domain will be locked out or will not be eligible for transfer for the period of next 60 days. This means you will be totally stuck if it had happened to you within the last 60 days of the expiration of your domain. This means you will not be able to transfer the domain to some another registrar and will have to renew this domain at Godaddy at their high price. And also take into note that this is not a policy or a security feature proposed by ICANN instead Godaddy claim it as their own security feature which they had implemented to to reduce domain frauds.

But now it is possible to bypass this lock by writing an email to Godaddy. After this they will revert any change in the registrant information which you had made and was responsible for the locking of domain. After this step your domain will be ready to be transferred out.

This feature will definitely help those legitimate users out there who want to get rid of Godaddy. But at the end of the day this feature is still useless and a hassle to lot of Godaddy users.

How to block traffic to your website from a particular domain?

If you are getting a lot of traffic from a particular domain that it causes load on your hosting server and subsequently suspending of your hosting account by your host, than you can use this .htaccess code to block that particular domain. This trick need your server to be based on Apache or Litespeed. Here are the steps to block a particular domain:

  1. Create a .htaccess file in the root folder of your website. If you want to block traffic to some particular directory or folder than create .htaccess file in that particular folder.
  2. After creating .htaccess file paste the following code in the file after modifying it to your own requirements.

RewriteEngine ON

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} example11\.extension[NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} example22\.extension[NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} example33\.extension

RewriteRule .* – [F]

There might occur a situation in which you start getting Errors on visiting your website than add the following line after RewriteEngine ON

Options +FollowSymlinks

In case you want to block traffic from a single domain than add the following code to your .htaccess. Here we just removed the OR directive:

RewriteEngine ON

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} example1\.extension[NC]


RewriteRule .* – [F]

Code Explanation:

  • example11 or example22 or example33 are the domain name which you want to block.
  • extension basically refers to the ending part of the domain name that is .com, .net, .org etc.
  • NC directive is for making the domain name case insensitive which means is same as EXAMPLE11.COM
  • OR directive is used for adding multiple domains.
  • F directive is used for producing Forbidden Error ( 403 )

Where to register .IN domains?

I usually prefer Godaddy as my domain registrar because of its coupons which substantially lowers the price of a given extension even .in. But the major problem with Godaddy is that it supports either PayPal or credit card for payments. Most of the Indians don’t have access to either of these options. I am also in the same category though i do have access to VCC facility from my bank.

If this is your case than i will suggest you to register your .in domain with because of the fact that their price (renewal, registration and transfer) for .in extension is the lowest in the market and their price remains unchanged with respect to any change in the dollar vs. rupee scenario. They are basically the resellers of Directi, a bigger domain registrar. Directi is also an Indian company with global operations. have variety of payment options. These include:

  • Net Banking
  • Debit Card (CC Avenue)
  • Credit Card
  • Over the counter cash deposit in their bank account (this method will take some time and hence domain registration will not be instant)
  • NEFT transfer to their bank account (You have to email them after transferring the money for domain registration)

If you want to register other extensions than is not a good option. For other extensions their price is quite high. I would prefer Godaddy for other extensions.

Letsbuy is dead but what about refunds

Till now you all might be aware of the fact that Flipkart completes the acquisition of Letsbuy and shutdown the website for good. But i am among the few unlucky ones who had ordered from Letsbuy just before its complete shutdown and surprisingly they accept the payment without any notice.

Now my payment is struck with them and i am calling their customer care every day to enquire about the status but they don’t have any concrete answer to my queries. The order in reference here consists of a couple of things that is a PS3 Game and a PS3 controller which become out of stock just after my purchase and makes me suspicious that something is wrong with Letsbuy and after 4 days Letsbuy is finished.

If you also have same problem like me than please comment in the comments section below about the status of your refunds.